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Goals of the Work on the Literature Review

Goals of the Work on the Literature Review


The goals of the work on the literature review are numerous. Most important:

  • demonstration of the degree of independence of a graduate student or applicant (theoretical training, the ability to work with sources, analyze, think logically);
  • clarification of the dissertation topic;
  • showing the theoretical significance of labor;
  • the ability to avoid repeating an already developed topic and not presenting an innovative solution to an existing issue;
  • knowledge of what is already open to the world of science facilitates the process of creating new knowledge;
  • orientation to the result and the formation of a clear understanding of the required actions;
  • allows you to judge the competence of the author, which positively affects the attitude towards the applicant in the scientific community.


The nuances of writing


In order to write a review within the framework of modern requirements, it is worth carefully studying the methodological instructions of the university and recommendations formulated by the staff of the Higher Attestation Commission. For a clearer understanding of the process of working on a litho-review, it is worth paying attention to a couple of finished works, which will allow you to navigate the most appropriate concept for presenting theoretical data:

  1. Chronological involves the presentation of the material in a historical retrospective of the study of the issue, indicating the authors of the most important hypotheses, existing views, with the obligatory disclosure of the dissertator's contribution to the current picture of the vision of the issue under consideration.
  2. The logical one is based on the organization of subsections that describe the object of consideration in its relations with the areas of related sciences and practices, in the format of its significance for the national economy or society.


To write a good literary review, you should choose an analytical way of presenting the material, refusing the abstract nature of the presentation of information. The author, when preparing a review, should link the information revealed in earlier published works with the goals of the ongoing research. The proposed material should concretize problematic issues (dual judgments, poorly developed aspects) in the available volume of thematic information. The outcome of the analytical assessment can be used to prove the need for analysis of the selected topic.


Thanks to a high-quality and logical literature review, professionals and people who are far from the topic considered in the dissertation will be able to understand the logic of scientific work. A correct review is a work whose reading allows the specialist to suggest the possibility of using certain methods and the reasons for justifying the choice of the object of consideration. For non-specialists, a good literary review will allow them to understand the essence of the research carried out.


Literary reviews on disciplines of a public nature are recognized as accessible for perception. Reviews for dissertations in technical and natural sciences are considered more difficult. The reason is the abundance of specific terminology and abbreviations.


More resources:
How to Write a Concept
Improvement of Research in the Article
Article Structure
What Is Research in Scientific Work
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